Firearms - Pistols - Revolvers - Rifles - Shotguns - Air Soft - Sling Shots - Ammunition - Firearm Transfers - Ammunition Transfers - FFL - LEO - Law Enforcement - Gun Accessories - Gun Cleaning Supplies - Knives - Safes - Gun Safes - Gun Lockers - Home Safes - Bulletproof Vests - Glock - Sig Sauer - Smith & Wesson - Ruger - Remington - REM Arms - Winchester - Akkar - Weatherby - Mossberg - GForce - Springfield Armory - Walther - FN America- North American Arms - NAA - FMK - Federal - PMC - CCI - PPU - Hornady - Frontier - Bio-Ammo - Fetter - Ammo Inc. - Streak - Aguila - Fiocchi - Speer - Nosler - Sellier & Bellot - 1776 USA - Magtech - SinterFire - Belom - Tula - Wolf - Hi-Point - Heritage - Taylor's - Hatfield - Silver Eagle Arms - Kimber - Henry - Savage - Stevens - Wilson Combat - CZ - CZ-USA - Kel-Tec - Riley Defense - Bergara - Armscor - Rock Island Armory - Maverick - Beretta - Standard Manufacturing - Aero Precision - Anderson Manufacturing - Spikes Tactical - Auto Ordnance - Desert Eagle - Colt - Python - Browning - Diamondback - EAA - Franklin Armory - North American Arms - Heckler & Koch - H & K - Kahr - Kel-Tec - Marlin - GSG - German Shooting Sports - Phoenix - Rossi - Ruger - SDS - Taurus

Ugly Christmas Sweaters - Only $19.99 $15.00 while they last!

Sizes: L and XL

FREE Manufacturer Catalogs:




Active, Sworn Law Enforcement Officers are Exempt from the new 11% Excise tax at this time.


Firearms, ammunition and accessories are available and we will administer the Firearm Safety Certificate exam for those who need it. You may download the FSC Study Guide by clicking here. Come to the store during our open hours before 4pm because we do not administer the exam after that time.

We are open Monday thru Saturday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, except holidays.

We are at 23520 Telo Avenue, Suite 1, Torrance, CA 90505.


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Click here to complete our Order Registration Form for credit card purchases


WALSER'S Tactical Store

Click on your desired highlighted product or area of interest below.


Visit our direct online store for tactical products at:


Because of the recent extreme purchasing of firearms and ammunition, it is challenging to timely maintain our on-line inventory presentation of products. Our physical store and on-line store inventories change daily with many new additions and resulting customer fulfillment. We are very fortunate to be receiving firearms and ammunition frequently. Ammunition remains to be the biggest challenge to meet demand, but our firearm offering is being sustained well above average for the current industry situation.

The Shooting Store is being redesigned and not currently allowing you to see inventory availability or place orders, but we hope to have that service return soon. Please browse the many items to see what you want and email us the item numbers and we will respond with availability and how to order.
Of course, we also stock and can special order many other products that are not shown in The Shooting Store. Please email us your requests.

Thank you for your patience!


Ammunition, Firearms, Accessories, Gun Cleaning Supplies, Knives and Safes





Ammunition - Firearms - Gun Cleaning Supplies - Targets - Holsters - Optics - Magazine Loaders - Field Cameras - Self Defense - Pepper Sprays - Hand Gun Cases - Rifle Cases - Shot Gun Cases - Rubber Training Guns - Ear Protection - Eye Protection - Handcuffs



Telephone: 310-891-3325

23520 Telo Avenue, Suite 1, Torrance, CA 90505-4041

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Prices, Specifications and Availability are Subject to Change Without Notice

Copyright © WALSER'S 1996-2025